
Broking Break: Your Top 5

Ardonagh’s results have once more piqued the interest of brokers as did a court case, an investment in an aggregator, underinsurance and motor profitability.

Broking Break - Your Top Five

The most popular stories this week included the UK Broker Awards, the threat of blockchain, Aston Scott and Lark, a bomb scare and Aviva's advert ban.

Top 50 2017 - Welcome

Innovative market: The Top 50 Brokers in Personal Lines is full of growing and efficient firms. Brokers are ideally placed for further success in the next 12 months

Broking Break: Your top five of the week

Aviva putting 120 people at risk of redundancy was the top clicked on story of the week along with Rural Insurance MD Ian Barclay resigning. Brokers also read about data breaches and Elite being put on negative rating watch.

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