Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Trade body demands greater clarity over new regulators
The International Underwriting Association (IUA) has called for greater clarity on how the two new insurance regulators are going to cooperate.
Biba 2012: FCA uncertainty could damage broking sector
Uncertainty around what the incoming Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants from the broking industry is causing the greatest concern in the market and greater clarity must be given before damage is done.
Biba 2012: Biba calls in Deloitte to conduct strategic review
The British Insurance Brokers' Association (Biba) has appointed Deloitte to undertake a strategic review of the organisation as it looks to position itself for the next five years.
FSA vows to maintain intensive supervision in final year
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has vowed to maintain its policy of intensive supervision and will continue to implement European regulatory directives as it releases its final business plan before it is disbanded.
Hector Sants resigns as FSA chief
Hector Sants will step down as CEO of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) at the end of June 2012.
FSA ready for new regulation but at extra cost
Hector Sants, chief executive of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), has revealed that the the much-vaunted ‘twin peaks’ regulatory model will be up and running by April this year resulting in greater costs being imposed upon financial services.
So long, brave new dawn
The FSA is looking for nearly £580m in fees from the industry in its final year of existence, a 15% increase on the previous year.
FSA seeks £578.4m from financial services in final year
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has requested £578.4m in funding for 2012/13, a 15.6% increase on this year.
Editor’s letter - February 2012
“It’s not that I want to make you all feel bad it’s just that, for brokers, there hasn’t been a lot to be cheerful about”
Lessons to learn from FSA
That broker favourite, the Financial Services Authority (FSA), has taken a bit of a pasting from the Treasury Select Committee which described the soon to depart regulator as too expensive, aloof, bureaucratic and unable to protect customers.
FCA chief vows to end laid back regulation
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) needs to make better, bolder, faster decisions and will not lie back and let financial markets run themselves.
Thoresen urges FCA to tone down the rhetoric
Otto Thoresen, director general of the Association of British Insurers (ABI), has called on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to engage with balanced rhetoric to head of a confrontational relationship with the industry.
Biba welcomes Treasury FCA report
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (Biba) has welcomed the Treasury Select Committee’s report on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Treasury aims to tackle aloof nature and expense of regulator
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is too expensive, aloof and bureaucratic and does not protect consumers from regulatory failure.
Reportage: And a happy new year?
A tough 2011 looks likely to be followed by another 12 months to forget, but there are some things to look forward to, writes Caitlin Morrison
Voice of the broker
Lord Turner’s views on the regulation of the market will undermine the future of the broking industry, says Ashwin Mistry
Broker Expo: Delegates warned that tougher FSA is already here
Brokers have been warned that the Financial Services Authority’s (FSA) long-promised new intrusive approach is already here and that it is not “pussyfooting around anymore”.
Lord Turner calls for debate on higher FCA costs
Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial Services Authority, has called on parliament to give the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) “the powers and teeth to act early to intervene and prevent customer detriment from occurring”.
Broker Expo South: FCA a “more dangerous and unpredictable animal”
Delegates at the inaugural Broker Expo South event have been warned that the new regulator will be a more dangerous and unpredictable animal and that brokers should prepare themselves for more intrusion.
What The Papers Say - September 2011
In this month's edition Paul Anscombe, managing director of Seventeen Group joins Insurance Age's Liz McMahon and Emmanuel Kenning to discuss the latest news stories in insurance.
IIB turns the screw on regulator
The Institute of Insurance Brokers (IIB) has called for “fundamental regime changes” in regulation.
What will the FCA look like?
The new regulatory regime could have a very different complexion to the current watchdog, explains Terence Clark
Broker trade bodies want lower regulatory barriers
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (Biba) and the Institute of Insurance Brokers (IIB) have called for regulatory barriers to be lowered and for the current inappropriate style and intensity of regulation to be reformed.
FSA sharpens teeth in advance of new powers of intervention
More financial services businesses are being forced to amend or withdraw advertising material following intervention by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) as it clamps down on misleading adverts, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain (RPC) has claimed.