Insurance Age staff
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Articles by Insurance Age staff
Critical illness sales are up.
Sales of critical illness sales reached an all-time high last year with 626 584 new policies sold - ...
CIGNA relaunches policy.
CIGNA has relaunched its policy for printers, adding, what it claims, are several unique additions t...
Appointment at Iron Trades.
Iron Trades has appointed Robert Hardy as group chief executive. Mr Hardy joined Iron Trades in July...
Ill-gotten gains.
Over three-quarters of company fraud is committed by employees. However, Edmund Tirbutt says that the take up of fidelity guarantee insurance is still comparatively low.
Apologies to Rob Ryan.
Our apologies to Orion's managing director Rob Ryan for confusing him with the company's head of bus...
Risk management offers protection for the regional broker.
Your risk management article (PB, May, p38) made very interesting reading, and as an insurance pract...
Aon restructure.
Aon Risk Services has completed a restructuring programme which has seen the organisation divide int...
East West should not be blamed for effects of pricing policy.
I read with interest the article by Andrew Newman on the fallout of the private motor sector, and in...
A waiting game.
By the end of this month, the Treasury should have made a statement about the future of the Insuranc...
Coversure expansion.
Doncaster mortgage and financial services company Merescourt has set up a personal lines franchise w...
IBN rename follows US expansion.
The International Broker Network has changed its name to the Worldwide Broker Network following the ...
Risk of trading with small firms is eased.
A new database for assessing the risk of trading with non-limited businesses, sole traders and partn...
IGB outsources run-off business.
Non-standard motor insurer Insurance GB is making a third of its staff redundant and outsourcing its...
Alistair Murray error.
In last month's news story about the integration of Eurosure into Key Choice, we inadvertently state...
Ian Ritchie.
Issues raised at the BIIBA conference must remain 'live' if we are to get good ideas off the drawing board.
Orion eases claims.
Orion is issuing new policyholders with a 24-exposure camera in a bid to ease the claims process. Th...
David Worsfold.
International consolidation: what's that got to do with me ?' Quite a lot, with plenty of opportunities for the provincial and regional broker.
Kestrel falls prey to fierce market.
Highway Motor Policies has pulled the plug on its Kestrel facility, blaming its inadequate performan...
Supermarket sweep?
Supermarkets are now offering financial products at your convenience. Frank Shaw looks at the impact this will have on the broker market in the first of a series of features based on research by the 'Across the Millennium' study.
Violent crime friendly.
Friend Indeed, the newly launched friendly society backed by victim of violent crime Lisa Potts (PB ...
Shop chains offered multiple benefits.
GAN Insurance has put together a package policy for retail chains, the fifth in its Trademark series...
Appointment at PoundGates.
PoundGates, the Ipswich-based insurance and risk management broker, has recently made three new appo...
Royal & SunAlliance launches full-cycle commercial policy.
Royal & SunAlliance has gone live with a full-cycle commercial package product on Policy Master's GE...
Towergate travel buy doubles group's GWP.
Towergate Underwriting Services has bought travel underwriting outfit Chase Parkinson, taking the to...