Ed Broking
Wallin looks to growth at CGSC
New group commercial director hoping to drive more business through in-house MGAs and turn broker into “powerhouse”.
CGSC appoints Andy Wallin as group commercial director
Former Brightsight CEO has resurfaced at the wholesale and specialty broker.
Cooper Gay to sell North American business
Firm will keep hub office in Miami for Latin American operation.
Moody's places CGSC ratings on review for downgrade
Chairman Martin Sullivan says firm is disappointed but remains focussed on taking corrective action.
CGSC takes Hearn from Willis
Deputy CEO leaves Willis to take on group CEO role at Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford.
Esser steps down from Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford
Group CEO Toby Esser to exit role following 30 years with the company but remains shareholder.
CGSC set to streamline
Broker set to cut costs following ratings downgrade.
Besso appoints new CFO
Samantha Hovey makes switch from Cooper Gay.
Cooper Gay buys Newman Martin and Buchan
Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford (CGSC) has bought independent Lloyd’s insurance and reinsurance broking group Newman Martin and Buchan (NMB).
Cooper Gay looks within for latest senior appointment
Cooper Gay has appointed a new head of risk management.
London broker association shakes up board
The London and International Insurance Brokers’ Association (Liiba) has made several appointments to its board.
Oliva management go it alone as Cooper Gay pulls capacity
Cooper Gay has pulled capacity from managing agency Oliva to focus its MGA strategy on international business.
Cooper Gay creates senior IT post
Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford (CGSC) has appointed Brent Kruger as its first group chief information officer.
Cooper Gay appoints new CEO
Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford has announced the appointment of Shaun Hooper as chief executive officer of Cooper Gay & Co, the group's Lloyd's and London market broker.
Cooper Gay gives UK structure a makeover
Cooper Gay has restructured its UK business, Cooper Gay, into three core trading units.
E-commerce: First for Lloyd's as contract is exchanged on iPad
The first electronic fully-placed contract via iPad was exchanged at Lloyd's between BMS and Catlin using the RI3K platform.
Viewpoint: Technically speaking
With the success of the iPad and Lloyd's plans to trial the replacement of traditional underwriting slips, Martin Eves asks whether new technology can be incorporated to benefit the insurance industry or if it is more often a case of hype over substance
Cooper Gay CEO resigns
Cooper Gay Swett & Crawford Group (CGSC) has announced that the company has accepted the resignation of Jim Summers, CEO of the Group’s UK based Lloyd’s broker, Cooper Gay & Co.
Lloyd's brokers trial replacing traditional slips with iPads
Brokers are leading the way in the adoption of new technology in the Lloyd's market.
Lloyd's joins forces with brokers in Ipad trial
Lloyd’s has joined with brokers Marsh, Cooper Gay and RK Harrison Group to trial the use of Ipads in its underwriting room.
Cooper Gay plans to double worldwide binding authorities
Cooper Gay has announced plans to double the number of binding authorities it handles worldwide within three years, following the appointment of James Kininmonth as MD of its underwriting and distribution management (UMD) division.
News review: July 2010
A review of July's industry news.
Brokers Link grows membership
Global insurance broker network Brokers Link has added six new international specialised service providers to its membership.
Cooper Gay and Swett & Crawford confirm deal to create broking giant
Cooper Gay, the London-based independent wholesale, reinsurance and specialist retail insurance broker, and US wholesale broker Swett & Crawford have confirmed they are in advanced deal discussions.